The Dignity Principles and other resources presented here are offered as a first proposal.  Our aim is to respect, gather and share existing knowledge around dignified practice. We are actively seeking partnerships with organisations and funding to take this work forward.

What happens next:

June 24:

  • Website Launched - opportunity for food support organisations to engage

  • Dignity Toolkit (AUDIT ACTION REFLECT) available - opportunity for organisations to audit their own practice, develop an action plan, and reflect on the impact of any change

  • Sat 8th June: Presentation to Dignity for All conference, York, UK

Summer 24 onwards:

  • Training videos to support the Dignity Toolkit

  • Online discussion workshops with Your Local Pantry network - Pantry managers come together to discuss

  • Online presentations through local and national networks

  • Further focused piloting, evaluation and development

  • Potential kite-mark for organisations who have completed the Dignity Toolkit (AUDIT ACTION REFLECT)