Carl Walker is a community psychologist at the University of Brighton, a councillor on Worthing Borough Council and a community development and engagement consultant. He co-founded the Worthing Food Foundation and his interests include multi-stakeholder action research around social and income inequalities and community food support.


Jane Perry is an experienced social researcher based in Sussex, with extensive expertise of research directly involving those with lived experience of poverty. Formerly a Government Social Researcher with the Department for Work and Pensions, as well as previously holding posts in independent social research institutes, Jane has a particular interest in working across the academic-policy-NGO interface  In 2014, Jane co-authored Emergency Use Only, the first national study of food bank use in the UK. She currently leads on evaluation and research for Church Action on Poverty.

Jane is passionate about making sure the voices of people who know best can be heard by those who make decisions. In 2023, Jane co-designed and facilitated the Feeling the Pinch, an innovative participatory project designed to give ordinary people from across Lewes District the opportunity to share their stories and experiences of the cost of living crisis.  This built on earlier experience leading on the participatory strand of the Sheffield University (SPERI) Food Vulnerability project including co-authoring ‘Participatory Methods in Practice: Key Learning’ 

Also embedded in practice in her local community, Jane is a founding trustee of Fitzjohns community food project in Lewes, with hands-on involvement leading Fitzjohns operational development over the last 10 years, including transition away from a traditional food bank model.  Jane also sits on the steering group for Lewes District Food Partnership.


Stef Lake is a dedicated advocate for community development that centres dignity and minimises stigma, having worked in the sector for nearly ten years. They are the programme manager for Community Development & Health at Sussex Community Development Association, having previously managed a number of community food projects. 

In addition to their role at SCDA, Stef is chair of Lewes District Food Partnership, where they lead collaborative efforts to tackle food systems challenges within the community. Through this platform, Stef fosters partnerships between local organisations, statutory services and community members to develop sustainable solutions that prioritise equitable access to nutritious food for all residents.

Stef specialises in developing community rooted responses to food insecurity, characterised by a holistic approach that goes beyond simply providing meals. They champion the importance of social connection around food and aim to challenge preconceptions around poverty.


Ronald Ranta is an academic, food scholar and former chef. His research focuses on food insecurity and the intersection between food and politics, society, and culture. This research is informed by his experience of working as a chef, being a trustee of a community food support project, and volunteering with community food support groups for the past several years. 

Ronald’s trustee and volunteering work have given him first-hand exposure to the issues and challenges facing community food support projects, and the scale and gravity of the food insecurity crisis faced by many in our society.